Attie Schuler Art - Greeting Cards for Advocacy of Human Trafficking

Greeting Cards for a Cause

Several years ago, I began a research project on human trafficking. Before I began the project, I had no idea how vast the trafficking industry was. Trafficking happens worldwide; it’s estimated that there are over 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally. 

After researching and reading first hand accounts from trafficking victims, my heart hurt. Over the last 3 years, I have wanted to somehow get involved and further awareness. The trafficking crisis is important to me because there are so many victims worldwide that are struggling and in need of help. I’ve been blessed with the life and human rights that I have. I want to help those who have had those human rights taken away from them, and prevent ongoing slavery by traffickers. 

What could I do about this? I put my love for art and my skills towards designing 3 series of handmade cards. I am now selling these cards and donating ALL of the proceeds I make towards two organizations battling human trafficking. (Destiny Rescue & The Polaris Project)

I am selling a set of 5 cards for $10. Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing a card set directly from me. My hope and prayer is for human trafficking to be ended. 

There are other ways to get involved and to help the battle against human trafficking.The first steps to advocating for victims of trafficking is by researching and being aware and advocating for the cause. I didn’t know the extent of trafficking until I dove into research and books on the issue. Also, it’s amazing to get involved by joining an

organization, donating, or by volunteering!


Here are some links to learn more and get involved: - Books about human trafficking (I’ve read Kevin Bales and Ron Soodalter’s The Slave Next Door: Human Trafficking and Slavery in America Today so far and it was an incredible book.